Creative Resilience Lab

Creativity provides an opportunity to re-imagine our responses to climate resilience and disaster preparedness

The Creative Resilience Lab shares creative and transdisciplinary collaborative methodologies, co-design and feedback loop experimentation (responsive, reflective and evaluative) to foster creative and agile thinking in climate emergency-related disaster preparedness, response and recovery in communities.

Utilising immersive and experiential processes, the Creative Resilience Lab aims to galvanise, catalyse and connect us with each other acknowledging the diverse skills, knowledge and lived experiences we all have to contribute, no matter how big or small.

Reworlders bring a new creative mindset to complex challenges such as the acute shocks and chronic stresses and the impacts of their interconnection. A feedback loop process - responsive, reflexive and experimental - fosters critical thinking, empathy and creativity, thus activating pathways for individuals to better understand their role, abilities and opportunities in collaboration with others in the complex and uncertain challenges ahead...thus empowering creative resilience.

This workshop will connect, mobilise and ignite new ways of thinking about and practising disaster resilience.

What we explore

  • How might working with artists and other creative practitioners reimagine disaster preparedness, response and recovery?

  • How can we apply creative scenario planning to better understand plausible futures and as a result pathways to be better prepared?

  • In what ways can we foster transdisciplinary and intersectional pathways for sustained collaboration and community engagement?

  • How might we prioritise intergenerational justice in our disaster preparedness, response and recovery?

Outcomes include:

  • Being awakened to the rekindling of connection with self, others and creative process; 

  • Clarity in understanding the value of artists and intersectional perspectives bring to complexity, risk and meaning-making in a climate emergency context;

  • Experiencing a collaborative process and elements thereof that could be applied in various contexts, environments and scales; and,

  • Developing a broader understanding of a potential process to be applied to disaster resilience practice and building.

Who is this lab for?

Reworlders have expertise in tailoring context-specific workshops utilising dynamic processes for diverse audiences, ever mindful of accessibility and inclusion

These labs aim to make relevant, timely and context-specific activities for diverse groups including council staff, communities, emergency services, First Nations, artist-groups and businesses.

Ideal for inclusion in conferences, symposiums or staff professional development programs.

What is Creative Resilience?

Creative resilience is the capacity to generate and act on positive solutions under the pressures of challenge and change. It is reimagining our environment and shifting our perspective to discover new possibilities, even when our fight or flight response is kicked into high gear. Not to mention, it may just be the key to humans’ success as a species. Reimagination of what’s possible.

In 2019, we partnered with the City of Vancouver to deliver our first Creative Resilience Lab.

Check out this video to learn more about the lab and partnership